Ruf Rt35: Autobahn attack to 307,2 km/h (192 mph) GPS-verified (not top speed) Ruf Rt35: Autobahn attack to 307,2 km/h (192 mph) GPS.verified (not top speed) Ruf Rt35: Autobahn attack to 307,2 km/h (192 mph) GPS.verified (not top speed)
304 km/h on GPS and 314 km/h indicated. Top speed BMW M6 Gran Coupe raised limiter 305 km/h at German Autobahn GPS-verified Video Vbox
305 km/h GPS-verified G-Power BMW M3 SKII on German Autobahn UNCUT G-Power BMW M3 doing 330+ km/h indicated (206+ mph) and 305,6 km/h GPS-verified (191 mph), not top speed
Video coming! Top speed with raised speedlimit GPS-verified on German Autobahn with BMW M6: Success!
305 km/h / 190 mph GPS-speed G-Power BMW M3 SKII on German Autobahn
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