- 01:44
BMW M3 Coupe DKG | DCT vs BMW M3 Convertible DKG | DCT 50-250 km/h: m3e90board.com
210 extra kg for the M3 Convertible m3e90board.com: http://www.m5board.com/vbulletin/e90-m3-sedan-e92-m3-coupe-e92-m3-convertible-e46-m3-e36-m3-z4-m-z4-m-coupe/123019-videos-pictures_-bmw-m3-convertible-dkg-dct-mini-airfield-shootout-august-2008-a.html Download High-Definition movies here and SEED them for €: http://www.ameibo.com/bundle/gtboard-com-box/
040 - 01:52
G-Power BMW M3 SKII CS 303 km/h on GPS, 100-200 km/h and 200-300 km/h
G-Power BMW M3 SKII CS 303 km/h on GPS, 100-200 km/h and 200-300 km/h
050 - 01:58
G-Power BMW M3 Sedan 0-200 km/h: 11,4 s: D5 DSC Off
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040 - 09:17
m5board.com: BMW M5 E39 ECU vs BMW M3 Convertible DKG | DCT 50-250 km/h
m5board.com: hhttp://www.m5board.com/vbulletin/e39-m5-e52-z8-discussion/125663-vidoe-bmw-m5-e39-w-7400-rpm-limiter-vs-bmw-m3-convertible-dkg-dct.html BMW M5 E39 ECU vs BMW M3 Convertible DKG | DCT
010 - 01:31
G-Power SKII CS 100-200 m/h in 6,0 s and 296 km/h GPS-verified on German Autobahn
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